LARN 029 C8D1

LARN 029 C8D1 Start the following in class: Concept Mapping Instructions:  The purpose of constructing a concept map is to challenge you to think about the relationships between the various listed terms, not to grade you on what you write. Do not give term definitions; we are making a concept map showing some of the relationships between the chemistry terms, not a vocabulary sheet. Be sure to draw a circle, oval, or box figure around each of the given terms. Connect related terms with arrows that have an arrow head. Express the relationship between the two terms in a sentence. Think of a verb or verb phrase that relates each subject word at the tail of the arrow to the object or predicate nominative word at the head of the arrow.. Draw the arrow from the subject word to the object word to which it is related such that a sentence relating the two terms reads in the direction of the arrow. Check that the subject of each sentence...
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LARN 023 C6D3

LARN 023 C6D3 Start the following in class: 1. The required journal topic for today, J23A, is: a.What is the difference between an elemental symbol and an empirical formula? [Hint: empirical formula is defined in the glossary of your text.] b. Which journal questions have most helped to clarify chemistry concepts encountered thus far? c. Explain the reason for each of your choices. 2. Study for the summative assessment on chapters 1 and 2 that is to be given on your next school day.  Today is day 23. Study for your test which is scheduled for school day 24! If your class does not meet on day 24, today's home learning activities are listed under day 24 and on day 24 your home learning activities are those listed below. Go to and take an online formative test for chapter 1, Introductory Chemistry. Then click on the Score My Test button and study any topic that you do not yet understand. Go to and take an online formative test...
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