LARN 029 C8D1

LARN 029 C8D1 Start the following in class: Concept Mapping Instructions:  The purpose of constructing a concept map is to challenge you to think about the relationships between the various listed terms, not to grade you on what you write. Do not give term definitions; we are making a concept map showing some of the relationships between the chemistry terms, not a vocabulary sheet. Be sure to draw a circle, oval, or box figure around each of the given terms. Connect related terms with arrows that have an arrow head. Express the relationship between the two terms in a sentence. Think of a verb or verb phrase that relates each subject word at the tail of the arrow to the object or predicate nominative word at the head of the arrow.. Draw the arrow from the subject word to the object word to which it is related such that a sentence relating the two terms reads in the direction of the arrow. Check that the subject of each sentence...
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LARN 020 C5D4

LARN 020 C5D4 Start the following in class: 1.. Return to your class notes on the classification of matter OR to the web site at and reflect on the meanings of the terms substance, mixture, suspension, colloid, and solution. Reflect on what has been explained and this time write out your responses to the following seven questions as journal reflection entry J20: All matter is either made of substances or mixtures of substances. a. There are two different types of substance.  What are the two different types of substance and how are they different? b. There are three different types of mixture.   What are they and how do they differ? c.  How can suspensions be separated? d.  How can solutions be separated? e.  What are colloids? f.  What is the approximate range of particle sizes necessary to produce a colloid? g. Why do the above mentioned particle sizes not result in solutions nor in suspensions?  2. a. Construct a Frayer word map for the word "formula unit".  Refer to  for more information as to what...
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