LARN 164 C41D4
LARN 164 C41D4
Your Goals:
Reading section 20.2 should give you an idea of how oxidation numbers are assigned and why they are assigned in the way that they are. The journal questions bring out the meanings discussed in the reading selection. The time focused on the reading and journaling is expected to be around 30 minutes. The main concern for home learning activities is to develop understandings in your mind that you can then apply to solve problems. Responding to the journal questions serves as a first step toward accomplishing that purpose.
With the understanding of why the priorities are as they are, the central focus of LARN 164 is to learn to apply the four rules and six priorities for assigning oxidation numbers introduced in LARN 163, with the ease that comes from practice. Try spending no more than 10 minutes reviewing why the rules and priorities are as they are and follow up with applying those rules to the best...