LARN 144 C36D4
LARN 144 C36D4
Study for the summative assessment on chapter 17 on Thermochemistry that is to be given on your next school day that our class meets. Today is day 144. Study for your test which is scheduled for school day 145! If your class does not meet on day 145, today's home learning activities are listed under day 145 and on day 145 your home learning activities are those listed below.
Start the following in class:
1. Review and study your notes, and your journal reflections. Study your learning log, your Cornell Notes, and anything that was misunderstood on the Chapter 17 Study Guides, Chapter 17 Section Reviews, Chapter 17 Water and Aqueous Solutions [Formative] Test A, and other work sheets which you now have checked using green ink. Look up anything that you still don’t understand in your text, glossary, vocabulary study sheets, class notes, or come to help class if you need help.
2. Go to and take an online formative...