LARN 015 C4D3

LARN 015 C4D3 Start the following in class: 1. . The journal focus topic, J15, for today is: Discuss the statement:  No theory is written in stone. Begin your paragraph with a topic sentence, follow with explained instances, and close with a focused summary statement. A useful format to help assure that a helpful paragraph has been written is: a. [Full sentence statement of your main point.] b. Then describe three reasons, examples, observations, facts, evidence, ...  that support your main point, saying something like: First .., second ..., third .... c. Finally close by summarizing by saying something like: Therefore ....; Therefore, because ....; Thus .... , For these reasons ....., In summary .... ; or In conclusion .... 2.  Follow the procedure explained below in the document entitled "How to Do a Visionlearning Assignment" for the module on "Early Ideas About Matter". For your teacher to "see" your work, you must enter the virtual classroom for your section of Honors Chemistry.  Go to, click on the name of your course and...
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LARN 014 C4D2

LARN 014 C4D2 Start the following in class: 1.  Do all the pages in the chapter 1 Section Review packet in one sitting as a formative assessment to find out some of the things that you do and do not know.  Do not interrupt your test taking to look up information in your text or on the internet.  After doing the section review packet, but before you demonstrate your understanding on our class' chapter test, you are to check all your responses in class by placing a green ink checkmark (√) to the left of the number for each individual correct response, and by lining out (striking trough) and inserting improved text in green ink when you judge that the suggested response is a better response.   While doing your checking, make sure that you clarify your understanding of each idea that you originally did not have a complete understanding of.  As a result of going through this process as requested, to prepare for...
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LARN 013 C4D1

LARN 013 C4D1 Start the following in class: 1. Read the notes on the classification of matter handout at this link ClassificationOfMatterNotes  (also found in your Student Resources folder > Handouts > LARN 012-016 > ClassificationOfMatterNotes).    In your Learning Log place today's month and day to the left of the red margin followed underneath by a number 1 for the first question asked on the notes on the classification of matter handout to the left of the red margin.  Write out question 1 to the right of the red margin and, on the next line below it, answer the question in one or more full sentences.   Answer the remaining questions 2, 3, and 4 in a similar manner. 2. Home Inquiry Activities should be written on sheets of three holed 8.5 inch by 11 inch ruled paper in your spiral bound Laboratory Notebook. The Home Inquiry response sheet format for a home inquiry laboratory activity was explained in LARN 012. Do the Home Inquiry Activity entitled "Bubbles!" that...
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