LARN 087 C22D3
Check the latest online progress report on Infinite Campus and make sure that you do and bring in any work that you may not have turned in before the end of the marking period , so that you can earn at least some credit.
Start the following in class:
Do POGIL U07-1, a.k.a. P21, entitled Types of Chemical Reactions .
Continue studying for any of your Mid-Term Examination make up examinations.
- Continue studying for your open ended portion of your mid-year examination worth 20 points out of the total 100 points and the selected response portion of your mid-year examination worth 80 points out of the total of 100 points possible. The test will cover material from chapters one through ten and will be taken at your assigned test time as shown on the Infinite Campus web site.
- Read over your Honors Chemistry Topics review sheet packet for the first semester, and make sure you understand each concept and are able to do each type of calculation listed.If you do not have a copy, the review packet can be printed to the library printer. You can find it on your Google Drive at Student Resources Handouts LARN 82.
- Especially study and review the selected response portions of your previous chapter section review worksheet packets and the selected response portions of your chapter formative tests.
- Spend at least 10 minutes in doing items 5, 6, 7, and 8 cited below:
- Continue to review the meanings of the words on the chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9, and chapter 10 vocabulary lists. Place a – symbol in front of each word that you have to study more, and a change the – to a + symbol in front when you have demonstrated mastery over the word to a study buddy, parent, or friend.
- Study the Key Concepts given on pages 33, 57, 95, 121, 148, 180, 206, 246, 280, and 314 of the text.
- Review those concepts that we have discussed in class that are in your study guides, that are in your text study guide at the end of the chapter, and that on the chapter vocabulary sheet provided to you that describes what is a substance, an element, a compound, a coarse mixture, a colloidal suspension, a solution; an atom; a formula unit, a molecule;a phase, an aqueous phase; a chemical change, a physical change; a chemical reaction, a reactant, a product, a word equation, and a formula unit equation;and how are these concepts different? You need to be able to explain the meaning of each of these terms, and be able to differentiate the terms, be able to compare and contrast these related terms, and give examples that make clear the points that you are trying to explain. Go over each of these concepts with your study partner.
- Review the SI prefixes and their meanings until you can readily explain the meaning of each listed SI prefix as a numerical multiplier.
- Think about the fifteen properties of covalent molecular substances listed on the Properties to be understood worksheet describing differences in the properties of metals, ionic compounds, covalent network solids, and covalent molecular compounds. Continue to study this handout for understanding and review how the typical properties of members of these classes of compounds depend on whether the compound has localized or delocalized electrons, and upon whether strong metallic, ionic, or covalent bonding or weak van der Waals forces of attraction are predominant between representative particles of the substances. Try to understand how each property of a given covalent molecular substance is related to the groups of covalently bonded atoms that form molecules whose van der Waals attractive forces only weakly attract other molecules.