LARN 028 C7D4
LARN 028 C7D4
Start the following in class:
1. Study the first page of the document entitled Temperature Scales, Conversions, SI Usages regarding temperature and then answer the following three questions as your journal focus questions for J28abcd.
a. Reflect on how a liquid in glass thermometer responds to an increase in temperature. Why does a heated liquid expand up the narrow tube within a sealed thermometer?
b. How does one convert a Celsius temperature to a kelvin temperature?
c. What does kelvin temperature represent on the submicroscopic level?
Recognize that the kelvin temperature scale's zero point represents a situation in which molecules have no translational energy and represents absolutely the lowest conceivable temperature. The zero point of the kelvin temperature scale's is called absolute zero. Know the relationship between the kelvin temperature scale used in the SI and the often used Celsius temperature scale and be able to convert temperatures from one scale to the other readily. [Hint: The numerical value on the kelvin...