LARN 111 C28D3

LARN 111 C28D3 Start the following in class: 1. In the upper right corner white space of each upward Journal notebook facing page, write your hand in number within a circle followed by your name.  Each journal entry should either be at least a paragraph of exemplary writing and penmanship concerning a single topic, or be a concept map relating chemistry terms.  Begin each days paragraph with a topic sentence, follow with explained instances, and close with a focused summary statement. . The required focus topic, J111, for today is What is vapor pressure? How does the value of a substance's vapor pressure vary with temperature? Liquids typically exist in containers with a gas filling the upper portion of the container. This gas above the liquid exerts pressure on the liquid.  What is the relationship between the vapor pressure of a liquid and the measured pressure of the gas above the liquid at a given temperature in a closed system? When the vapor...
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