LARN 121 C31D1

Start the following in class:

1. The required focus question, J121, for today is:

Anomalous means unusual.  Hydrogen bonding within a substance may be the cause of anomalous properties exhibited by the substance.  Construct a numbered list of six (6) of the properties of water that result from the ability of its molecules to hydrogen bond to one another in multiple directions.

2.a. Use the PQ5R or SQ5R method to prepare study guide for text section 15.1 on Water and Its Properties or go to  to research the topics brought up in section 15.1 of your text. .  Read section 15.1 in your chemistry text, pages 444 through 449, and as you do, create a study guide using the SQ5R or PQ5R method explained in class and on the distributed handout packet. You may record vocabulary entries in the body of your study guide, or you may check them off on the chapter 15 vocabulary list that was distributed as you think about the meanings of the terms and add any notations to the vocabulary list for clarifications sake.

2. b.  Writing in blue or black ink, place your hand in number in a circle followed by your name in the upper right white space of a piece of three holed composition paper that hasn’t been written on.  Place the page reference for the problems to be considered to the left of the red marginal line on the first blue line. Centered on the first blue line,write a descriptive title for the learning activity such as Section [chapter #.section#] Responses.  Before you write your response to each question or problem listed below, write its designation to the left of the red marginal line as listed below, followed by your response in ink to the right of the marginal line.

  • In the Section Assessment 15.1 on page 449, read, analyze, and explain practice problems I15-1 (In chapter 15, problem 1) and I15-2, I15-3, I15-4, and I15-5.

After you have written your best effort response for each assigned item, check page R94 of the text and check each of those problems that you can by writing in either a check mark () or a correction in green ink as we do in class.

3.  Go to the web site at, log on into the course+section for which you are registered, and select the module entitled Water.  Read this module as if you were creating an SQ5R or PQ5R study guide for it, but are title it: VisionLearning Water. Click on the Notes menu item next to the Water menu item and read and follow the full instructions for what you need to do. When you are finished, click on the Questions  Quizzes tab at the top of the module and then click on the Water title, select the best choice response to all the quiz questions and then click on the Score Quiz button. Then examine the feedback on your quiz and reread and study the material pertaining to any items identified as incorrect. Reflect on your responses and retake the quiz as many times as you need for you to fully understand and from that understanding, score well on the quiz.

Recommended for those who have time left in their 45 minute study period, but not required of all:

  1. Continue to review the meanings of the words on the chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9, chapter 10, chapter 1, chapter 12, chapter 13, and chapter 14 vocabulary lists.  Place a – symbol in front of each word that you have to study more, and a change the- to a + symbol in front when you have demonstrated mastery over the word to a study buddy, parent, or friend.
  2. Study the Key Concepts given on pages 33, 57, 95, 121, 148, 180, 206, 246, 280, 314, 346, 378, 406, 438, and 498. of the text.
  3. Review those concepts that we have discussed in class that are in your study guides, that are in your text study guide at the end of the chapter, and that on the chapter vocabulary sheet provided to you that describes what is a substance, an element, a compound, a coarse mixture, a colloidal suspension, a solution; an atom; a formula unit, a molecule; a phase, an aqueous phase; a chemical change, a physical change; a chemical reaction, a reactant, a product, a word equation, and a formula unit equation; and how are these concepts different?  You need to be able to explain the meaning of each of these terms, and be able to differentiate the terms, be able to compare and contrast these related terms, and give examples that make clear the points that you are trying to explain. Go over each of these concepts with your study partner.
  4. Review the SI prefixes and their meanings until you can readily explain the meaning of each listed SI prefix as a numerical multiplier.
  5. Think about the fifteen properties of covalent molecular substances listed on the Properties to be understood worksheet describing differences in the properties of metals, ionic compounds, covalent network solids, and covalent molecular compounds. Continue to study this handout for understanding and review how the typical properties of members of these classes of compounds depend on whether the compound has localized or delocalized electrons, and upon whether strong metallic, ionic, or covalent bonding or weak van der Waals forces of attraction are predominant between representative particles of the substances. Try to understand how each property of a given covalent molecular substance is related to the groups of covalently bonded atoms that form molecules whose van der Waals attractive forces only weakly attract other molecules.