LARN 149 C38D1

LARN 149 C38D1 Start the following in class: Please print out your In-Progress Grading Task Summary for Marking Periods (Terms) 1, 2, and 3, along with the Term 4 Grade Detail for activities accomplished thus far.  Show this document to your parents or guardians and discuss your progress.  Then print your circled hand in number followed by your name in the upper right corner of the first page, have your parent(s) or guardian(s) sign the in-progress report, label the identity of who signed the report (dad, mom, or guardian), bring the parent/guardian signed progress report in tomorrow and give it to me in class.  If you are not meeting me for class on this particular day, please drop off the labeled, signed report with me before or during school in room A235. 1.  Write your journal entry on sheets of three holed 8.5 inch by 11 inch ruled paper in your Journal notebook. In the upper right corner white space of each upward...
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LARN 148 C37D4

LARN 148 C37D4 Start the following in class: 1. Write your journal entry on sheets of three holed 8.5 inch by 11 inch ruled paper in your Journal notebook. In the upper right corner white space of each upward facing page, write your hand in number within a circle followed by your name. Each journal entry should either be at least a paragraph of exemplary writing and penmanship concerning a single topic, or be a concept map relating chemistry terms. Begin each day's paragraph with a topic sentence, follow with explained instances, and close with a focused summary statement.  Rather than just to find answers to questions, the goal of journaling is to reflect on, synthesize, and clearly express your thoughts in statements of your own understanding, so do not paraphrase material from other sources that you do not understand. a. The required focus topics, J148A, are How can one predict a shift in chemical equilibrium using collision theory? What does Le Châtelier's...
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