LARN 004 C1D4

Start the following in class:

1. Study your class notes and safety handouts to prepare for your 100 point must-pass safety test. Among other things, be sure to study the eight (8) safety guideline topics listed on the “Lab Safety Precautions” handout and their associated guidelines until you know the essentials (shown in italics and bold face print) of all eight by heart.

2.  2. If you have not already done so sign up for a Khan Academy account. Click on this link How to Set Up a Khan Academy Account with a class code and follow the instructions in the document.

Recommended for those who have time left in their 45 minute study period, but not required of all:

1.  Go to your Google drive –> Student Resources folder –> Handouts –> LARN 003 and notice that there are nine (9) documents available for you to work with.Your goal is to become familiar with and study the names of common pieces of laboratory equipment identified in the nine documents. Relax and challenge yourself to learn the names, one item at a time.

a. Click on the name of each of the pdf worksheet, one at a time.  These worksheets ask you to name pieces of laboratory equipment by what it looks like or by its use in the laboratory.
b. When you think you have a fair mastery in identifying pieces of laboratory equipment, print off a copy of the quiz page of each pdf document that you found most helpful to store in your three ring binder.
b. Identify and record the name of each piece of apparatus asked about on each of the worksheets by using either the provided picture or the provided description of the item’s use in the laboratory.
c. Bring two (2) completed worksheets to class on the next day that your class meets.